Georgia’s medical marijuana program is picking up the pace, with cultivators expected to be operational within about a year.
While it’s been somewhat of a slow start for the Peach State, things seem to be moving a little faster nearing the end of 2021.
Once dispensaries are online and patients are purchasing their low-THC oil, many new and first-time patients will be trying out cannabis products for the first time.
In this Georgia Marijuana Card Guide, we’ll give you a rundown on how many people dose their cannabis oil, and what it might look like for first-time or newer consumers!
Georgia Cannabis: Low-THC Cannabis Oil
Georgia passed Haleigh’s Hope Act in 2015 which allows patients with qualifying conditions to possess up to 20 ounces of Low-THC cannabis oil that contains less than 5% total THC.
Because medical cannabis products will be limited to less than 5% total THC, and the bill specifically allows for cannabis oil, most products that will be available in Georgia will likely be tinctures, salves, lotions, sprays, and products that are mostly designed for oral or topical applications.
As opposed to states that allow cannabis flower, Georgia only allows cannabis oil, so most products will likely remain in that constitution for retail purchase.
How To Dose Georgia Cannabis Products
Because Georgia will have a much more limited product line than other medical marijuana states, it’s anyone’s best guess as to the actual products that will become available once dispensaries are online.
Because of the limited amount of THC in products, there will likely not be a great psychoactive effect from most products, and this will make dosages much easier to measure and administer, albeit probably a little more difficult for those looking to achieve more effective mental effects.
Of course everyone’s biology will play a critical role in how a medication is received and experienced, and this is especially true with cannabis.
Each of us enjoy the benefits of our endocannabinoid system, the main point of contact for the compounds in the cannabis plant, and the interface our bodies use to regulate things like sleep, mood, appetite, and memory.
And every person’s endocannabinoid system is different, as well as our brains and biology, which can lead to very different effects from medication, both perceived and experienced.
While taking into consideration how relevant our biology is to how we each experience cannabis products, there are usually some commonalities that can help draw a better picture of what products might do, and how they might interact with us after we consume them.
So, let’s break down a few product types that might become available in Georgia, and what their dosages might look like.
Low-THC Cannabis Products in Georgia
#1. Tinctures
Tinctures are a great way to get many of the natural cannabis compounds extracted into a cannabis oil. They are usually taken orally, and typically begin to work within 15-45 minutes. Because THC is psychoactive, the higher the percentage of THC, the more potent the psychedelic effects will be.
For Georgia, we know that there will at least be an equal or greater ratio of cannabinoids to THC, so it’s likely we’ll see some 3:1 – 5:1 CBD:THC tinctures. That means that for every 1 parts THC, there are 3, or 5, parts CBD. Often tincture dosages come in droplets rather than mg or weights, because usually only a few drops are required for a dosage.
For a smooth introductory dosage, try taking 1 – 2 droplets with food and wait at least 1 – 1.5 hours before taking another dosage.
#2. Salves & Lotions
Salves & lotions are one of the most common ways that low-THC cannabis oil is used. Designed to be used topically, they can begin to work at alleviating localized pain extremely effectively. Pain patches and roll-on creams are very common, and there are no psychoactive effects produced from applying cannabis topically.
Most products will have their dosage suggestions on the box or bottle, and creams can usually be applied very generously, with little to no thought concerning dosages, as you can apply whatever amount to whatever area.
Pain patches are a bit different, their size will likely determine the dosage, as larger patches will be used for larger areas and smaller patches are used for smaller areas respectively.
#3. Honey, Chocolate, & Gummies
By far and beyond the most common use for low-THC cannabis oil is in edibles.
Although we’re not sure how Georgia will process their low-THC cannabis oil products, raw or pure low-THC oil is frequently used as an ingredient in many different foods for edibles.
Edibles have unique dosage requirements. Because THC is converted into 11-hydroxy-metabolite when consumed through the digestive system, the potency of psychoactive effects is much higher than other consumption methods.
This might be the saving grace for those looking for similar psychoactive effects from more traditional cannabis consumption methods, edibles can take a small amount of THC and make it feel like a much higher amount. You should always start with the lowest dosage possible and wait a reasonably long time before taking another.
Edibles tend to come on much slower and much stronger than other consumption methods, often effects don’t even begin for an hour or more, and they can peak relatively late, and stick around for several more hours.
For a smooth introductory dosage of edibles, take the smallest dosage available (think a quarter of a single piece of a gummy), and wait at least 1.5 – 2 hours minimum before considering another dosage.
While we don’t yet know exactly what type of products will become available, it’s probably safe to assume they will either be raw extracts, or they will fall into one of the categories above.
Even though Georgia’s low-THC limitation will keep most products from being as potent as they are elsewhere in the U.S, that doesn’t mean that cannabis products will be ineffective or weak in the psychoactive department, especially concerning edibles if they are produced.
Once the Georgia Access for Medical Marijuana Commission grants dispensary licenses and cultivators begin processing their materials, we’ll get a much better handle on what type of products will be arriving.
Until then, patients are registering for their medical marijuana cards faster than ever, and you can even get $25 off when we start processing applications!
Get Your Georgia Marijuana Card
As a Georgia marijuana patient, you can legally purchase up to 20 ounces of low THC cannabis oil. For Georgians, this means getting the relief you need naturally and organically, and Georgia Marijuana Card is here to help.
Reserve your appointment today and get $25 off when we start processing applications!
Feel free to give us a call at (866) 781-5606, and we can help answer your questions about getting medical marijuana in Georgia